Friday, October 10, 2008

Search Engine Marketing and How to Use it

While it may not sound like the best news you have ever heard, it is the truth: your website's profits will almost always depend on whether or not the search engines like you. They like you, and your site is set up to do very well. But if they do not like you, you are in for a real struggle to make your site a success. Fortunately, search engines do not choose their favorites randomly (even if it might seem that way when you look at the SERPs for your main key word.) Putting a thorough search engine marketing strategy into place is an important part of making your website a search engine "favorite." Looking for ways to use search engine marketing on your website? Read on.

1. Build Links with Article Submission. Writing and submitting articles is becoming one of the most popular ways to use search engine marketing. There are some very good reasons why this works well. One is that writing and submitting articles does not cost you a thing (unless you pay a writer). For another, it is a very effective search engine marketing method. Why is that? Because each article you write will be keyword focused for the page you are trying to boost, making it a relevant incoming link for your site. And there is almost nothing the search engines like more.

2. Keep Your Content Updated. Updating your site's content is a hugely important part of any search engine marketing strategy... after all, Google loves fresh content. Create a schedule for adding content to your site, and stick to it.

3. Improve Your Landing Pages Even though you might think that the job of your landing page is just to get visitors to stay on your site (or click through), landing pages also fill a search engine marketing role. Search engines are intelligent, and pay close attention to the way your visitors react to your site, which makes landing pages an integral part of a successful search engine marketing campaign. If visitors click "back" to leave your site immediately, the search engines will begin to think something is wrong... and start to send your visitors elsewhere.

4. Keep Track of Search Engine News. While it is true that even the most well informed search engine marketing company cannot figure out the search engine algorithms, there are ways to get an idea of what the search engines are doing. Reading up on the new methods and criteria used for search engine rankings is an integral part of any search engine marketing campaign.

5. Make Everything Relevant. Incoming links are always good for search engine marketing. But the more relevant links you have coming into your site, and the more relevant keyword focused pages you have on your site, the better your search engine marketing results will be. Search engines like to see that your site is focused and appeals to visitors using certain search terms. If your website and links are relevant and focused, your website will rank more highly, more quickly.

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